
Spectators are more than welcome at the Athens Ohio Full and Half Marathons and there are many opportunities to view and cheer on your runners!  From the start or finish lines, or along the course you will enjoy beautiful Athens, Ohio while cheering on all the great full and half marathon runners.


The Athens Full and Half Marathon start together at the corner of South College Street and East Union Street in uptown Athens by Ohio University College Green  Once you find a parking spot, there is ample room to line the streets and watch the race start.  After the runners clear the starting area, they will not run back through the starting area, and you are able to follow the below directions to different aid stations, or the finish line.  See the location of the start area on the Race Weekend Details Page.


The finish of the Athens Full and Half Marathon is at Pruitt Field on Ohio University’s campus.  It is located within walking distance from the start, down the hill from Uptown Athens.  Pruitt Field is home to the Ohio University Track and Field Programs and spectators can access the grandstands overlooking the track, just in front of the finish line!  See the location of the finish area on the Race Weekend Details Page.


Turn right from Pruitt Field parking lot (the parking lot across from Ohio University’s Central Food Facility) onto S. Shafer St.  Proceed to first traffic light, continue straight for another half mile to stop sign.  Turn left onto West State St. Proceed  0.75 miles and look for Athens City Water Treatment Plant on left.  Directly across from the water treatment plant is a small gravel lane (immediately at the edge of golf driving-range .  Turn right onto this small gravel lane and proceed 400 meters .  Aid station is visible along bike path directly ahead.  The gravel lane eventually turns into grass when the community gardens begin.

ARMITAGE ROAD AID STATION (3.0 Miles):  (GPS Pin)      

Turn right from Pruitt Field parking lot (the parking lot across from Ohio University’s Central Food Facility) onto S. Shafer St.  Proceed to first traffic light, turn left onto West Union St.  Proceed  1.1  mile to St. Rt. 682 (traffic light).  Turn right at traffic light.  Proceed 400 meters to first gravel road to the right (Armitage Rd.)  Proceed on Armitage road for 2 miles to end of road.  At end of road there is a small gravel lane to the right that connects to bike path and railroad tracks.  Aid station is visible at the end of this gravel lane.


Turn right from Pruitt Field parking lot (the parking lot across from Ohio University’s Central Food Facility) onto S. Shafer St.  Proceed to first traffic light, turn left onto West Union St.  Proceed  1.1  mile to St. Rt. 682 (traffic light).  Turn right at traffic light.   Proceed 3 miles on St. Rt. 682 until next traffic light (Johnson Rd/County Rd 7)) in town of  The Plains.  Turn right at traffic light onto Johnson Rd. and proceed 1.2 miles.  Turn right onto Jackson Dr.  (in the middle of lengthy left curve on Johnson Rd.).  Proceed 200 meters and turn left into the parking area next to the Eclipse Mining Station Store/Restaurant. Aid Station isvisible at the end of the parking area.

LOWER RIVER ROAD AID STATION (6.0 Miles):  (GPS Pin)      

Follow U.S. Route 33 West from Athens toward Columbus. O.75 miles past the Columbus Road exit on the northwest side of Athens turn right onto River Rd. (Twp. Rd. 251).  Follow River Road 1.1 miles and look for aid station along the right side of the road.  The bike path closely parallels River Road at this point and aid station is visible alongside large wooden fence that separates the bike path from River Road.


Follow U.S. Route 33 West from Athens toward Columbus. O.75 miles past the Columbus Road exit on the northwest side of Athens turn right onto River Rd. (Twp. Rd. 251).  Follow River Road 2.2 miles (past Lower River Road Aid Station) and look for Upper River Road aid station along left side of the road.  The bike path closely parallels River Road from between both aid station.


Follow U.S. Route 33 West from Athens toward Columbus. Two miles north of Athens take The Plains/St. Rt. 682 exit to the right.  At end of ramp turn right onto St. Rt. 682.  Proceed a half mile and turn left onto Lemaster Road.  Proceed 400 meters and turn right onto Hamley Run Road.  Immediately upon turning onto Hamley Run Road continue to bear to the right (a private driveway goes up a small hill to the left to a dairy farm).  Proceed 1.5 miles to end of Hamley Run Road.  Aid station is visible at end of the road.  Please drive slowly past the only household on Hamley Run Road (the residents have several small pets).

GLEN EBON AID STATION (10.5 Miles):  (GPS Pin)   

Follow U.S. Route 33 West from Athens toward Columbus.  Four miles north of Athens turn left onto Glen Ebon Road (just before Movies 10 theater complex -also on the left).  Proceed  a half mile to the point at which the bike path intersects Glen Ebon Road.  Aid Station is visible at intersection.

MONK ROAD AID STATION (11.5 Miles):  (GPS Pin)    

Follow U.S. Route 33 West from Athens toward Columbus.

Four miles north of Athens turn left onto Glen Ebon Road (just before Movies 10 theater complex -also on the left).  Proceed  a half mile to the point at which the bike path intersects Glen Ebon Road.  Glen Ebon Aid Station is visible at intersection.  Continue on for 1 more mile to stop sign at the end of Glen Ebon Road.  Turn right onto St. Rt. 691 and proceed  1.2 miles to the first gravel road to the right (Monk Road).   Turn right onto Monk Road and proceed 0.75 mile to end of road.  At the end of the road there is a large electrical substation and small gravel lane to the right that continues on past the substation.  Continue on this gravel lane slowly and cautiously (there are large ruts in the road) for another 300 feet until bike path and aid station is visible.


Follow U.S. Route 33 West from Athens toward Columbus.  Six miles north of Athens turn right on exit ramp for Nelsonville/St. Rt. 691/Hocking College.  At end of ramp turn left and proceed 400 meters to traffic light.  At traffic light continue straight onto St. Rt. 691.  Proceed less than a half mile to first paved road to the left (former entrance to Hocking College Inn).  Proceed to parking lot at end of road.  Parking is available here.  Bike path is visible from parking lot.  Accessing the marathon turnaround will require a short walk (200 meters) down the bike path.